Viv Cole Associates

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Blended learning with confidence

Want to reach more learners via different learning channels? Want to reduce the time that learners spend away from their workflow? Want to increase learner engagement? Yes…but how?

Blended learning architecture

We help organisations design blended solutions that improve learning effectiveness and drive efficiencies.

Whether you want to convert aspects of face to face learning into digital, or are designing a curriculum from scratch, we provide a bespoke consultancy package to deliver you a change plan, a new business case for investment and quick wins, such as working proofs of concept.

Managing the permutations

  • There are so many possibilities for combining elements of a blend that it would be easy to overspend or overrun budget. To design an effective blend requires expertise and creativity to be applied within a proven framework.
  • Our starting point is the More Than Blended Learning Company‘s jukebox model:


We are experienced enough to know when to follow this model and when to go off-piste.

Play this video to see three top tips on how to design effective blended learning (broadcast on Learning Now TV (#LNTV) on 31 March 2016).

My team and I have collaborated closely with Viv throughout our online training overhaul process. The response time was incredibly swift and the advice received was spot on. Now we’re undergoing a complete revamping of the online course portfolio, the foundations of which have been placed with the crucial assistance from Viv.

Boris Divjak, U4

Our Guiding Principles

You can get in touch with Viv Cole via email:

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