Because you want to see results
Here is a sample of Viv's clients who have kindly shared their stories.
U4 is a provider of high-quality research, information, and learning opportunities to help development practitioners more effectively support anti-corruption efforts in the developing world.
Existing training courses were either via distance learning supplemented with virtual classroom sessions and video clips, or in-country face to face workshops. U4’s vision for blended learning aims to increase the organisation’s reach and impact by offering its customers a wider range of learning.
To increase the capability of face to face trainers to utilise a wider range of online learning strategies as part of a more effective and interactive blend of learning. To be able to start creating ‘bricks’ on online learning deployable as parts of different learning pathways.
Workshop participants felt energised and more confident about blended learning. U4 has successfully commissioned its first e-learning module. This has received highly positive feedback from the government agencies which fund U4.
My team and I have collaborated closely with Viv throughout our online training overhaul process. The response time was incredibly swift and the advice received was spot on. Now we’re undergoing a complete revamping of the online course portfolio, the foundations of which have been placed with the crucial assistance from Viv.
Boris Divjak, Director
You can get in touch with Viv Cole via email:
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